A New Road .....

It has been 4 months since my last surgery and I have tried to paint when I can. Dealing with anxiety and fear. Fear of every ache and pain. Will it mean cancer again? It is a fear that most and probably all have. I am still dealing with healing and trying to find out what my body is doing. Working with my husband, painting and Minecraft have kept me sane.

I am working on a consignment piece that is 24” x 48”. I will post it as soon as I am done.

A show in November while my struggle continues...

It has been awhile since I wrote. Since finishing my chemo, I have had another tough adventure. I had my first of a few reconstruction surgeries in August. I woke up to total chaos. An 8 hour surgery ended up being 14 hours with complications galore. I was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks with constant lab work and medications to try to heal my left chest area. You see, a large amount of tissue did not take from my DIEP Flap procedure and was necrotic. I ended up having a second surgery to remove what was bad at the 2 week mark. Within in a week after I got home I was in a great deal of pain at the site of my abdomen incision and was diagnosed with severe cellulitis (Infection) and put on IV antibiotics. I am currently on week 3 of 4.

Jason has been a saint thru all of this and is taking care of me and working so hard on the business as well. All in all, I have been trying to paint my soul out for this show and for myself. I will be putting the show up at Hellada Gallery in Long Beach soon and it should be up November 5th.

A New Stage in Life

A diagnosis of Breast Cancer can derail most people. Breast Cancer after 2 years of fighting hard to work and survive through Covid does kind of suck. I am doing my best but life keeps hitting me sideways. I am relying on my friends and my husband to keep going. Painting is my outlet from sadness. I am working on a new show that is coming out of this new adventure and will emerge from the surface of pain a new and hopefully better person. Stay Tuned for a new show in November 2022.